More About
Who are we?
We are a worldwide company with distribution centers in 10 countries with thousands of employees. We have everything made in third world countries by forced labor. We get everything made for pennies on the dollar and sell them with a huge profit margin! We have so many customers that we have to attach a number from 1 to 200,000 so we can keep up with who you are (not that we care but it makes us appear that we do).

Ok, now that you're awake!!
All kidding aside!
Here at, we are a very dedicated small manufacturing company that has grown quite rapidly over the last few years. We are simple people just like most of our customers. We take pride in building equipment that helps real people create a business or businesses that will help them create themselves more financial freedom. We are located in a small town in Alabama. We started out in a small outbuilding with a new gadget that we felt was a real winning product…“The Smasher!”
“I was torn between keeping this great concession business to myself or turning other people onto it. As you can see I decided to share our success.”
We built a four page website about a pneumatic lemon juicer that I had built and had been using at shows. I decided to just be honest and tell the truth. It was easy because this business was making me more cash money than I had ever made before. We have tried to stay true to our first concept. That is, to be honest, and sincere. I think that is why we have had great success over the years. Many customers have become really good friends. The first customer we had bought three smashers. I have helped 100’s if not thousands of people start their own concession business. I believe that is the most rewarding part of what we do. I get stories of how this small lemonade business has changed their lives. Like a guy told me “it’s kinda like making liquor…it gets in your blood.”
The lemonade business can be a tricky business to go into blinded. We felt if we could supply people with reliable equipment and proven techniques and training then anyone could do it. That’s what we do!!
So, if you’re on the fence about getting into the hottest concession business on the planet…jump off! We have great equipment and the “KNOW-HOW” to teach you! We have helped people all over the world. It’s actually not hard and not going to break the bank. So, look around our site and watch some videos.
Feel free to contact me at